Our Story

Our Story

Our founder, Ty, moved to the United States by herself when she was only 15 years old. She had to manage to learn every single skill to survive somewhat by herself in a completely different country. This involved absolutely everything and meant to learn to do everything again. Whether this was knowing the carriers to go to for internet or cellular services, how to talk to a customer service agent of any kind, the format of writing emails, how to properly respond to text messages...etc.

Life got even a little harder for her when she entered college life as a single mother, this meant she not only needed to focus on her academics but also to do everything for her daughter, everything around the house, while getting all sorts of errands done at the same time. She often found herself exhausted from her day-to-day life, but still did not have enough time to get things done. She lived a very tiring life for the beginning few years of her daughter's life.

But one thing is for sure, she was always a helper. She understands how life could get hectic sometimes, and how busy individuals or newcomers to the areas could get overwhelmed with everything in their lives. She recognized the need for people to get things done while they don't have the time to get them done because life simply gets in the way. As her daughter got a little older, she was able to help her friends around with their daily errands when either they didn't have the time to do so, or they didn't know how to get things done yet because they were new to the area.

So one day, one of her friends asked her, "Why don't you open a company that specializes in helping people?" While this was being said, she laughed at the moment, but later on, she realized how ideal this idea would be.

She had always wished someone was there to help her a little bit when she needed it, and she always remembered how happy she made her friends feel after she was able to get their errands done for them while they were not able to attend to them. Looked around, there are services like virtual assistants or a personal assistant who you would need to hire for a longer period, but no one provides on-demand services to help you get the little things done in life.

This inspired her to create Errands Hero, a company that supplies you with our team of "heroes", who are your assistants on-demand, You don't need to worry about the "little thing" you need to get done when you have your other priorities lined up, nor you need to worry about spending a lot of money hiring a traditional personal assistant when you're simply not a CEO of a Forbes 500 company! I mean, seriously, if everyone could afford a personal assistant to get the little things done in life for them, everyone's life would be much easier and less stressful, right?

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